Monday, February 6, 2012

My Life is Awesome and Everyone is Jealous of Me.



Oh. That's cool, too.

Hi! Sorry, it might be a little too early to be using exclamation points. Early in the entry, not in the day, because it is 10:37pm after all. Hoo, hoo, someone's a night owl.

Big news, I have officially crossed into the land of the smart phone. I can now send emoticons of salsa dancers and trumpets (among other things) to my friends who didn't already think I was too annoying to know. Yesss.

Another thing I can do is always be losing at a game of fake Scrabble, otherwise known as Words With Friends (Free). I was winning a game against my mom the other day, but she came back last minute with the 26 point game changer, "ziti." Being a sweaty Italian, I had to laugh at this.

I guess I am technically beating my 14 year-old sister. I'm down to my last 2 letters in this week-long game where she has somehow managed to only play words made of 3 letters or less, save for the one turn in which she played, "dink." Birds of a feather, I say.

I have to admit, I was resistant to the idea of a smart phone nearly up to the day I got one. It wasn't even my choice, really. I got a new job and they were all like, "Mraa, you're an adult. Check your email every 17 minutes." Oh, what's that you're thinking? Another new job, Gab? I know. It's a long story.

Always, my life is changing.

Anyway, yeah. The smart phone certainly does have its benefits. Especially when I juxtapose it with my good 'ole shit brick, the once ultra-swanky EnV3. Now, for what it's worth, that phone lasted me a solid 4 years. Granted, in total it spent at least 1 of those 4 years spontaneously turned off behind my back for no reason. I guess there was some manufacturer defect where the battery would jiggle loose or something.

It wasn't that inconvenient. It was only a problem when it would turn off after I had typed an entire text message that I was about to send...for the third time, or I picked it up to answer a call, or take a picture. Or when I'd set my alarm and it would apparently turn off in the night, completely unprovoked. Or really when I tried to do anything.

I'm exaggerating...kind of.

Despite the fact that my iPhone stays on, has given me the power to chat with my obese niece through FaceTime (fat nugget, streaming live!), to play word games all day, and to resuscitate baby birds that have fallen from their nests, there is an obvious downside.

I officially have no excuse for not being accountable for technological outlets. This phone is forcing me to take responsibility for my role in the outside world. No more being creepy, prancing about with my Moleskin, jotting down notes on the absence of winter. Now I'm expected to Tweet about it.

"Omg, so warm! #whrsthsnw #iloveglobalwarming"

Again, I'm exaggerating. As if there were a way to stop me from being creepy.

But you see? I'm nervous that my relationship with my phone is going to change too drastically. How will I know when it's gone too far? Is there an app for that?

I guess all I can do is take it one day at a time. Who knows where this is going? Maybe it's the beginning of something beautiful and special in my life. Maybe this is just the change I've been needing. Opposites attract, right? Maybe this really is my future.

Maybe I should stop talking about it like my phone and I are in a relationship but I can't get my phone to admit it.


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