Happy New Year. Despite the fact that I find the concept of a new year to be wholly underwhelming, I decided it would be friendly to wish you all a happy one anyway. A lot friendlier than wishing you a sad one, at least. It's 2012, so we have another year of apocalyptic dates and horrifying prophecies to watch come and go without anything actually happening to look forward to.
Everyone remember Y2K? That was the nerdiest thing the world was ever afraid of. At least this year we get to be scared of the end of Earth as predicted by the Ancient Mayans (I think).
As the new year rolled around, there was a lot of talk of resolutions. People that want to work out more, eat healthier, drink less, save more money. Those are all really wonderful things to aspire to resolve. I will be failing at every single one of them.
It's not because I don't really believe they're great, but rather that all of my resolutions result in the complete opposite of those. For example, relaxing more, trying more delicious foods and eating them slowly, and spending more quality time with quality people. The last one sort of debunks any hope of drinking less and saving more money.
Actually, the only reason I won't end up drinking less is because Trader Joe's sells $3 bottles of wine and I know they exist.
I do, however, want to spend less time alone in my bed, spooning my dragon pillow pet and watching Harry Potter movies. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.
On that note, the title of this entry is about all the things I've wanted to do and have not, plus the really good reasons I've created for why I haven't. Originally, as I was thinking about the reasons I hadn't gotten much accomplished, I chalked everything up to the $3 wine and my knowledge of its existence. This turned out to just be me not wanting to think. Which leads me to the first reason I haven't done what I want to.
Thing I want to do: Write more.
Reason for not doing it: I don't want to think. Hey, cut me some slack. I've been thinking MY WHOLE LIFE (even though it may not always seem like it based off some of the situations I've found myself in).
Thing I want to do: Meet people.
Reason for not doing it: I'm awkward and don't actually like meeting people. I genuinely believe the reason I haven't done this is because, deep down, I just really don't want to. In fact, the only reason I ever wanted to was because I thought that was a normal thing to want. Recently, I have given up on holding onto the hope of ever being "normal."
Thing I want to do: Network.
Reason for not doing it: See "Meet people."
Thing I want to do: Keep in better touch with the people I care about.
Reason for not doing it: I work a job that has unbelievable hours. When I am not working, all I want to do is nothing. This is a poor excuse. To the people who I should be keeping in better touch with, I'm sorry. Also, remind me of who you are.
Thing I want to do: Go swimming in a natural body of water.
Reason I haven't done it: It's freezing cold out. That would be dumb. But I still want to do it.
The list goes on and on. When I looked at these 5 alone, I realized that all of the "reasons for not doing it," when read on their own, just sound like a bunch of excuses. This got me to thinking of New Years resolutions in general, and what every single one really boils down to, in my opinion.
Stop talking, start doing, or at least creating an actual plan to do.
Manage your time better.
Keep everything in perspective.
Get business cards.
Recently, I was given business cards as a gift. They say Gabrielle K. Albino, writer/philosopher. Look at me now, writing and philosophizing. Just saying. Get business cards.
I suppose I would count as one of those people that you mean to be keeping in touch with. therefore this is me reminding you that I am one of them. Lastly I would like to just urge you slightly to not try and do that last "do" on this list. The freezing body of water thing...I'm just getting ready to move to NYC I would like it best i think if you were still alive/conscious when i got there...and yes..NO i will not be talked into doing anything stupid with you. wait you said $3 bottles of wine?